A Thunderous Release Day for Operation Owl by Tara Quan (i.e. Me)
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If you've been following along on my Operation Owl Tour of the Capital, you can probably guess I'm "guest-blogged-out," as some authors like to call it. Because I'm about to move to Rome, I've been doing a lot of pre-release promotion. By the time today rolled around (which happens to be 6 days before my flight), I've run out of ideas. I'm pretty sure I've written everything there is to know about my new book. This left me in a bit of a quandary–what to put up here on this momentous occasion?
My first idea was to title the post: Please buy my book–pretty please with cherry on top!, and follow it up with the cover. But since that might qualify as blogging rock bottom (I have three more contracted works, so I need to make a slow descent), I decided it would be an awesome occasion for my husband to put his handy dandy new camera to good use.
I apologize in advance for my adverb abuse (we did one take and I couldn't edit anything out–the horror)! Here is me saying "Please buy my book" in full HD-glory.
And if you haven't yet entered my Rafflecopter giveaway, here it is again...