JustRomance.Me Hop: Baby, It's Cold Outside - The Downsides of Heat by Tara Quan
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Welcome to JustRomance.Me's Baby, It's Cold Outside hop. Now that the holiday season is over, we can all focus on the joys (and perils) of this year's White Christmas. If you came upon this post by accident, but would like to join in the fun, just click the banner above and you can start at the beginning. There are lots of prizes up for grabs (one of which is a copy of my first novella, Tower in the Woods), and the Grand Prize is a 7" Kindle Fire HDX.
Before I get on with my post, I probably should tell you that I'll be giving away a $5 Amazon Gift Card (electronic) to a random commenter on this blog (separate from JRM's prize bundle). All you need to do is state the FULL NAME (First & Last) of the not so comfortable woman featured in the snippet below (aka. the heroine of my new release, Delicious Delay). Yes, this is a blatant attempt to bribe you into leaving a comment (*bats eyelashes*) [According to Random.org, the winner of this GC is the 7th commenter who is *drum roll* "Tammy"!]
Okay, onward with my post. I was born and raised in Bangkok (where it's perpetually above 95F/39C). When I finished high school, I made the somewhat misguided decision of picking a university in Boston. Below was my dorm-room view for most of the "Fall Semester."
Suffice it to say I wasn't a happy camper (I have absolutely no cold-tolerance). Now that I'm living in DC, the winter isn't quite as bad, but it's definitely not to a Bangkokian's standards. So what's a girl to do when it's freezing outside?
One thing that always makes me feel better (and I'm not just trying to plug my book, I promise) is remembering the downsides of heat. Here's a snippet from my new release that might cheer you up:
"Michelle Day fanned herself with the in-flight menu as she guzzled warming champagne. Hot air blew through the vents above her seat. At the height of summer, no air conditioning could win against the desert sun. [...] Even with an icy towel on the back of her neck, her body kept sweating by the bucket. The creases at her knees and elbows itched. Her bra’s underwire and straps chafed enough for it to be classified as an instrument of torture. Desperate times called for desperate measures."
Wondering what those desperate measures were? Delicious Delay is available from Decadent Publishing (here), Amazon (here), and B&N (here). Click on the cover to get to a much sexier excerpt and the blurb!
Welcome to JustRomance.Me's Baby, It's Cold Outside hop. Now that the holiday season is over, we can all focus on the joys (and perils) of this year's White Christmas. If you came upon this post by accident, but would like to join in the fun, just click the banner above and you can start at the beginning. There are lots of prizes up for grabs (one of which is a copy of my first novella, Tower in the Woods), and the Grand Prize is a 7" Kindle Fire HDX.
Before I get on with my post, I probably should tell you that I'll be giving away a $5 Amazon Gift Card (electronic) to a random commenter on this blog (separate from JRM's prize bundle). All you need to do is state the FULL NAME (First & Last) of the not so comfortable woman featured in the snippet below (aka. the heroine of my new release, Delicious Delay). Yes, this is a blatant attempt to bribe you into leaving a comment (*bats eyelashes*) [According to Random.org, the winner of this GC is the 7th commenter who is *drum roll* "Tammy"!]
Okay, onward with my post. I was born and raised in Bangkok (where it's perpetually above 95F/39C). When I finished high school, I made the somewhat misguided decision of picking a university in Boston. Below was my dorm-room view for most of the "Fall Semester."
You should know my heroine's name by now, so all you need to do is state it in your comment along with an email where I can contact you for a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card. I'll draw the winner after the hop ends on January 5th.